A downloadable game

A nice shooter game to play

you are in space and you need to kill the robots or they will take over the world


Space.zip 30 MB


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I can't seem to install the game. maybe you need to set it as a windows executable in the publishing window?

i fixed it


(1 edit)

Cool game! the install still doesn't work on the itch.io app and I think it's cuz theres some kind of manifest file itch needs and I have no experience with it.
I can download it off the website though, so I got to play it. I remember seeing the unity tutorial that these assets came from, I really like them. I can't remember though, did you actually have to allocate animations with the code and enemy AI or was it all put together already? Either way, super fun. keep it up.

umm since you know a lot of things.... could you maybe tell me how to make it able to fullscreen? ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

doesnt matter if you cant.

Yeah I gotcha.
It's way out of the way and super difficult to find in unity, so I don't blame you for not being able to find it.
In unity, go to
File > Build Settings > Player Settings (the small button in the corner)
A new window pops up in your project settings, and there's a window with rectangular buttons and arrows with Icon, Resolution and Presentation, Splash Image, and Other settings. 
from there go to Resolution and Presentation and thats where you find fullscreen options.
This works, but if you have a first person game without an easy way to close the game (like hitting esc or something) you might be better off setting it to windowed and making the resolution something comfortable like 1920X1080. Hope this helps.

thanks ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€